Monday, November 22, 2010

Mobile phones and your vehicle

There has been a lot of talk about cell phone conversations and texting while driving. While phones have become so universal you can count your calories with them, they are causing more accidents than drunk drivers! Did you know that talking or texting on a phone can make you 37% less aware, that is equivalent to driving drunk at the .08% alcohol level. Oprah Winfrey launched a campaign in January of 2000 to have people around the nation to sign a petition not to text and still talk on the, not to text and use only a hands free device, or not text or talk. If you want to be part of this movement you can go here to sign the pledge and read all about it. Here are some amazing statistics caused by talking and texting while driving, 28% of all accidents have a phone involved, nearly 6,000 deaths and 1/2 million injuries each year, shocking isn't it?

A big issue with accidents has been with teens, that are just receiving there license. Trying to get comfortable with the large metal box, all while being distracted by cell phones, the radio, and there friends! The law is in place, that a person under the age of 18 who receives there license can not drive anyone under the age of 18 with out a parent in the car for a full year. However, we all know that kids are going to be kids. This isn't good, having a brand new driver with there buddies in the vehicle, distracting them with the latest song or gossip update from a text they just received, making the driver take the attention off the road and to the conversation. another law is in place in California and multiple other states, that there will be no texting while driving, and only being able to use hands free mobile devices.

Tire Rack Street Survival is a hands-on program that puts trained instructors in the passenger seat pf the car your teen drives most. They base scenarios on real life happenings to teach the teens what to. The teens learn how to control the vehicle during a lane change, how to avoid accidents and the coarse goes over the dangers of texting while driving. It is a $75 program, go online to to find a program near you.

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